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Message from General Director Andrey Sharonov

Dear friends!

Sustainable development topic during the last years has been on the front of the global business and political agenda. Compliance with ESG requirements has become the key factor of preserving a competitive national economy and priority target for the business and country. Russia reached serious progress on this matter striving not to be left on the edge of the world’s civilization.

Today we have reached a new geopolitical reality where companies were forced to concentrate their efforts mainly on preserving business, supply chains, supporting employees and local communities. In the competition to gain attention ESG agenda can temporarily be left in the background. At the same time whatever happens in the international relations of Russia and the West we should not let our approaches towards sustainability and according practices degradate. We also need to be informed about what is happening in the East, as we believe in the long term value creating and the inevitability of the harmonic business development idea, we recognise it as a paradigm of a principally different quality of life, basis for technological progress and fundament of harmonic business development with consideration of present and future generations expectations, - meaning that ESG agenda maintains its actuality and stays a strategic vector for the market’s leaders.

This is the portrait of the Alliance’s members who are recognised leaders of the sustainable transition in their industries. Their example can attract others including owners of small and medium enterprises. Alliance is meant to contribute to the realisation of the potential which is a part of ESG transformation. As well as support stability and devotion to ESG principles by means of uniting efforts of Russian business leaders in forming an updated ESG ideology in the country. The one who will be able to maintain today his motivation to reach high goals will provide opportunities for himself to adapt to the changing world.

Alliance is an open organisation. We see ourselves as a national informational ESG platform, propagandist of sustainable development ideas, active participant of the national and international initiatives process creation. We are ready for collaboration with companies, public and industrial bodies, governmental and international organisations. Together we can do more.
