

In this section useful materials are presented, including key russian and international standards in respect to sustainability and social responsibility of business, which can help to form a better understanding of the relevant regulation. It can also help to be aware of the trends and be familiar with the changing regulatory environment.

Regulation of Sustainable development

The main regulation documents governing ESG in Russia cover environmental, social and corporate aspects. The Regulation Overview aims to illustrate key legislative trends and assist in integrating sustainability into an organization's business processes.

Нормативная база по устойчивому развитию

Do you have any proposals regarding the regulation database?

Share your feedback with us. We value your opinion and proposals on improvement of the normative ESG regulation. Your input can help to form efficient strategies for sustainable development. Send your ideas and together we will be able to create a better future

ESG Standards

The largest companies who are ESG-leaders in their sectors use various global and national standards in their operation activities, auditing, preparing and verifying non-financial reporting. In this section you may find key international and country-level standards and initiatives that promote sustainable development and transparency of business.

Нормативная база по устойчивому развитию

Ratings and rankings

Evaluating a company's efforts to integrate sustainability into its operational activity is an integral part of its strategy. Such an assessment should take into account the degree and quality of the environmental and social responsibility principles integration, as well as the company’s corporate governance level. ESG rating is the main tool for such evaluation, while ranking companies, based on the results of the assessment, allows them to do benchmarking and identify the areas for their further development.

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Educational materials

Webinar series 

“Sustainable supply chains: how to become part of them.”  (currently in Russian).

Нормативная база по устойчивому развитию
